Keynote Talks

Keynote Talks

Lessons Learnt for Business Startup and Sustenance

I've operated several enterprises for over ten years. I have gained some valuable knowledge about founding and managing a small business over this period. To inspire and prepare upcoming entrepreneurs, some of these lessons are discussed in this workshop.

Today’s Entrepreneur, Challenges and Opportunities

Today's entrepreneurial culture is distinct from that of the 19th and 20th centuries. Big data, information technology, and globalisation present both opportunities and problems for today's entrepreneurs. What it takes to be an entrepreneur in today's world is covered in this seminar. What you should know and do to have a head start

Data Protection Basic

Data is ubiquitous. We all consume and produce data everyday from transactions to information gathering. These data are usually fragmented, distributed across different platforms and network. This creates threats and vulnerability. Data protection basic is therefore needed to highlight how to handle data and protect it.

Leadership Style

Leadership is important n creating a future for an organisation, a community or a group of people. A leader has a vision and project his vision onto others who help with execution. So understanding the attributes of a leader and different leadership theories will help prepare improve leadership quality in organisations and communities.

Understanding the Laws of Success

Success in life is like a sport. There are rules that guide the game of success and nature acts as referee. If you play by the rule, you will be rewarded with prosperity. However if you break the rules, nature has a way of punishing individuals that doesn’t follow its rules. In this discussion, we look at all the basics laws of success

Making The Most of Life

Every moment of life is fleeting. Even though most individuals live in desperation as they approach death, it is a time that should be full of joy and memories. Many people experienced a midlife crisis, which prevented them from fulfilling their life goals. We all talk about how to balance our interests and keep a work-life balance when it comes to living life to the fullest.